Radcliffe, Bury
The proposals for the Elton Reservoir will create a new parkland community of lasting quality. It will provide around 3,500 family and affordable homes and deliver extensive new accessible green and blue infrastructure that enhances biodiversity and provides a recreational destination. The new neighbourhood will create a sustainable place with a unique character.
Key Facts
Affordable and family homes for the local community
Provision of a strategic link road to alleviate congestion through both Radcliffe and Bury town centres
Provision of a new Metrolink stop between Bury and Radcliffe
Provision on land for new primary schools
The creation of a “destination” parkland, providing a multifunctional green and blue infrastructure network, including the retention, enhancement and creation of footpaths and cycleways
Enhancement of the reservoirs and canal to provide opportunities for water-based recreation
£485 million estimated investment in the construction of the proposed development
535 estimates jobs supported in retail and leisure businesses annually
£94.5 million estimated uplift in gross annual income from new employed residents
£24.9 million additional New Homes Bonus revenue
Provision of services and facilities to meet local needs, including schools, local centres, green and blue infrastructure and children’s play space
A substantial network of leisure resources, including a “destination” parkland with enhanced public access, areas of active recreation, increased biodiversity and improved natural habitats
High-quality place making which integrates the built and natural environment to provide an attractive neighbourhood with lasting character
Management and maintenance of valued habitats, including Sites of Biological Importance, to enhance biodiversity value
A new north-south link road, with a connection to Radcliffe, to alleviate congestion in the local highway network
New transport infrastructure, including a new Metrolink stop and Park & Ride between Bury and Radcliffe
Enhanced bus services to maximise local take-up
Retained, enhanced and new footpath and cycleways